Fyrirlestrar 2020

Fyrirlestrar 20202020-10-07T09:34:04+00:00

Alexandre Goubin

Operational Excellence in Creative teams

Alexandre will talk about how we can improve Business Outcomes through Lean in “Creative” teams such as Marketing, Innovation or even Sales and how Playfulness helps us bring the best ideas to life.

About Alexandre

Alexandre Goubin was born in 1982 in the south of France. He reconnected with his childhood by joining the LEGO Group in 2016.

Earlier in his career, he led Lean and Agile transformations all over Europe and the Middle East in the Financial and Information Technology sectors.

He joined the LEGO group in April 2016 as LEGO Continuous Improvement Centre of Excellence Director to ensure consistency and improvement of Lean Six Sigma methods across the company.

Since November 2018 he became LEGO Commercial Optimization Director for LEGO Global Retail business and own the operating model, continuous improvement and innovation of LEGO Retail sales and marketing functions.

Alexandre lives in Munich Germany with his wife and two daughters.

Niamh McElwain

Manager & Leader Development at Google

Fail fast and build resilience

In high-performing cultures, it can sometimes feel like failure is not an option. When high performers hit a bump in the road, they crash and burn if they’re unaccustomed to failing, and Impostor Syndrome sets in.  Many of us have an inner critic, who tries to sabotage us when we dare to take risks outside of our comfort zone, but for some, this inner voice can become paralyzing. To the rest of the world, this person looks like they are a star. To them, they are falling apart. 

This session shares 3 practical strategies for building yourself back up again, when self-doubt sets in. We will all fail at some point in our lives, and if we don’t, we’re probably not learning or growing. So how can we get better at failing fast, picking ourselves up again, and building resilience?

About Niamh

Niamh has worked in People Development at Google for 14 years, based in Ireland, Poland and the US.

With 20 years of international experience in the field of education and training & development, Niamh has designed many acclaimed development programs at Google, including Stretch, a women’s leadership program, which over 7,000 women globally have attended to date. This program sparked an external #iamremarkable initiative, empowering underrepresented groups from all walks of life, to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.

Niamh was also co-founder of g2g, a peer-to-peer learning program, which currently powers 85% of learning programs globally at Google, with an extended faculty of 10,000 employees who teach, share and learn from each other.

Currently, Niamh is a certified executive coach, who challenges managers and leaders to create inclusive team cultures. As a learning designer and facilitator, she helps leaders navigate complexity as they execute on vision and strategy for their organizations.

Niamh graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a Bachelor in Music Education, and earned her MBA from Reims Management School, France. She worked in the Middle East and the Caribbean as an orchestral director before joining Google in 2005.  Niamh recently relocated from California to Dublin, where she lives with her husband and young daughter.

Jenny Davis

Entrepreneur & Founder of Strive Change Consulting

Eye of the Tiger Focus Applied to Business

Learn about the three key areas of Focus: Priority, Distraction Control & Optimum Working Conditions and how sports athletes and business leaders have applied strategies and techniques across all three areas to world class success and excellence.

About Jenny

Jenny started her sporting career at aged 6, after been encouraged to join a local judo class to learn how to defend herself whilst also having somewhere positive to focus her high energy. She fought for Team GB and Team Scotland as a youth, junior and senior judo player all over the world from the sporting halls of Meadowbank Stadium and Crystal Palace Sporting Stadium to Las Vegas Casino’s and Japan’s famous dojo’s and trying schools.

Jenny took a year off from competing in her final year of her Health Psychology honours degree to concentrate on her studies. During that period, a conversation with her ‘Strength & Conditioning Coach and ‘handshake bet’ lead to her the speedy world of track cycling. After fast tracking through a sporting talent transfer programme, Jenny raced all over the UK and Europe winning Scottish, British and International medals – becoming the fastest Scottish female sprinter and eventually going on to represent Team Scotland at the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games where she won a silver medal and 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games.

In between sporting peaks, Jenny started to use the lessons taken from sport and started applying them in business At Standard Life Plc. Using timeless principles such as 80/20 Principle, Marginal Gains and The Compound Effect she has successfully created and lead continuous improvement programmes from a team of 10 people up to business unit of 1500 across two FTSE 100 companies in 2 different industries. Those programmes focussed on improving customer and colleague experience whilst getting rid or simplifying frustrating and wasteful processes. As well as reducing and improving controls, reducing cost and improving profit margin.

“The quickest way to innovate is to take lessons from one world and apply them in another.”

Now Jenny uses the lessons she learned in both her sporting and business careers to help entrepreneurs and business leaders turn fire fighting, high stress and out of control costs in they business (and personal lives) into calm, control, profit and growth all whilst working less.

Steve Hope

General Manager, Environmental Affairs and Corporate Citizenship

Always Lean, Always Green

About Steve

Steve is a Chartered Electrical Engineer who first joined Toyota in the UK during the construction phase of our first purpose-built manufacturing facilities in Europe in 1991 as the Manager of Facilities and Environment

After establishing this Department with his team, Steve went on to manage other areas of the business including the construction of a second assembly shop, a casting facility and supporting the construction of a new facility in France

In 2006, Steve was assigned to Toyota Motor Europe to Plant Engineering supporting an ultimate total of 9 manufacturing facilities. 

After a Toyota career continually considering Environmental performance and improvement, in 2013 Steve was assigned to his current role taking responsibility for the complete Environmental scope of the vehicle’s lifecycle for the European Region

Steve is married and is now located at the European Regional HQ in Brussels

Sesselía Birgisdóttir

Framkvæmdastjóri þjónustu og markaðssviðs hjá Íslandspósti

Um Sesselíu

Sesselía hefur víðtæka reynslu af stjórnendastörfum í síbreytilegu viðskiptaumhverfi bæði hér á landi og erlendis. Nýlega tók hún við sem framkvæmdastjóri Þjónustu og markaðssviðs hjá Íslandspósti og hefur verið í leiðandi hlutverki í þeim miklu umbreytingum sem fyrirtækið hefur staðið í að undanförnu.  Sesselía hefur lengi starfað við stafræn umbreytingar verkefni og var áður forstöðumaður stafrænna miðla og markaðsmála hjá Advania. Einnig starfaði hún í 10 ár í Svíþjóð sem stjórnandi og stofnandi alþjóðlegu leigumiðlunarinnar Red Apple Apartments sem leigir út íbúðir í yfir 100 borgum í Evrópu.

Sesselía er með tvær mastersgráður frá Lundarháskóla í Svíþjóð, í stjórnun mannauðs með áherslu á breytingarstjórnun sem og alþjóða markaðssetningu og vörumerkjastjórnum.







Guðbjörg Heiða Guðmundsdóttir

Framkvæmdastjóri fiskiðnaðar hjá Marel

Um Guðbjörgu Heiðu

Guðbjörg Heiða is Managing Director (EVP), Fish in Marel. Marel is a global company selling equipment and software solutions to the fish, meat and poultry industries. She has been working for Marel for the last 9 years, having various roles, first years focusing on strategic execution of corporate projects and later in Innovation, in most recent as the manager of Innovation for Marel Iceland and UK. Guðbjörg holds a Master degree in industrial engineering. Guðbjörg has high interest for company culture, how to build diversity and inclusion. That is how success is generated in increasingly complex environment.

Gestur Pétursson

Framkvæmdastjóri Veitna

Um Gest

Gestur Pétursson er framkvæmdastjóri Veitna. Hann lauk meistaragráðu í iðnaðar- og rekstrarverkfræði með áherslu á orkumál og áhættustýringu frá Oklahoma State University í Bandaríkjunum árið 1998.

Gestur var framkvæmdastjóri öryggis-, heilbrigðis- og umhverfismála hjá Elkem Ísland frá því í árslok 2010 og forstjóri fyrirtækisins 2014-2019. Í störfum sínum fyrir Elkem Ísland vann hann að innleiðingu og samþættingu nýsköpunar í fyrirtækjamenningu félagsins til að takast á við þau tækifæri sem orkuskiptin í heiminum fela í sér, vöruþróun gagnvart viðskiptavinum og umbótum á kostnaðargrunni verksmiðjunnar á Grundartanga. Í dag starfar hann hjá Veitum með starfsfólki félagsins á þeirri vegferð að breyta fyrirtækinu úr hefðbundnu veitufyrirtæki í framsækið þjónustu- og þekkingarfyrirtæki sem leggur grunn að lífsgæðum og virkni samfélagsins. Gestur hefur setið í stjórnum fyrirtækja og félaga á Íslandi, Kanada og Noregi, meðal annars í stjórn samstarfsvettvangs stjórnvalda og atvinnulífs um loftslagsmál og grænar lausnir og í stjórn Festu – miðstöðvar um samfélagsábyrgð. Í dag situr hann í stjórnum Samorku, Samtaka Atvinnulífsins og Carbfix.

Halldór Benjamín Þorbergsson

Framkvæmdastjóri SA

Um Halldór

Halldór Benjamín er fæddur 1979. Hann er kvæntur Guðrúnu Ásu Björnsdóttur lækni og eiga þau þrjá drengi á leikskólaaldri. Hann er stúdent af eðlisfræðibraut Menntaskólans í Reykjavík, lauk hagfræðiprófi frá Háskóla Íslands og er með MBA-gráðu frá Oxford háskóla.