

Karim Bishay

Principal consultant

Demystifying self organised teams

A case study in how Kolibri changed every aspect of how their business runs: from personal task management all the way to organizational design and strategy.  This is part of a coherent and extensive new system that allows them to manage their business in a way much more suitable to today’s dynamic markets and autonomous, creative workforce.

About Karim

Karim Bishay is an industry leading consultant in the areas of Holacracy and building Adaptive Organizations. Karim holds two Master’s degrees in pastoral counseling and business. He is also the proud graduate and former leader of the Interchange Counseling Institute. Most recently Karim worked with Dev Bootcamp as the Head of Admissions, Engineering Empathy curriculum designer / facilitator, and the Holacracy engagement lead. Since leaving Dev Bootcamp Karim has gone on to start a consultancy called Living Orgs and implement Holacracy and other Adaptive Organization techniques with over 20 companies. Karim lives in Oakland, California with his wife and two children.

Stuart Eames

Retail Innovation Lead, Waitrose and Partners

How to transfer that dusty good suggestion box in the corner of your office

Many companies choose to solve business problems in silos, how often do you hear that a new idea from the top of your business, lands badly with front end employees. How about reverse engineering that process, engaging front line workers to solve real business friction points, by asking them what needs to be fixed and suggesting ways to do so. Scary!, not really. Listen to a case study from Waitrose and Partners explaining exactly that process, how hundreds of ideas are not a bad problem to have and how simple suggestions, executed well can save your business money and raise employee satisfaction in the process.

About Stuart

Stuart is a passionate and enthusiastic leader in Innovation, process improvement and lean methodology, working within Waitrose and Partners, a tier one British Grocer. Having spent 16 years running supermarkets and understanding first hand how inefficiency and poor processes lead to employee frustration, Stuart is now leading Retail innovation for Waitrose having delivered £8m savings to date. Stuart launched the Waitrose Partner Ideas scheme in 2015, managing ideas from grass roots. Recently recognised through the Employee Engagement Alliance Awards 2017. Stuart specialises in idea management and presents on both the subject of engaging employees and also how to deliver employee ideas and bring benefits to an organisation.

About Waitrose

Waitrose & Partners is a chain of British supermarkets, which forms the food retail division of Britain’s largest employee-owned retailer, the John Lewis Partnership. Its head office is located in Bracknell, Berkshire, England. Waitrose & Partners has 353 shops across the United Kingdom,] including 65 “little Waitrose” convenience shops, and a 5.1% share of the market, making it the sixth-largest retailer of groceries in the UK. They also export products to 52 countries and have locations in the Middle East.

Tony Crane

Director, Customer Experience

Be smart with your data

How by measuring customer behaviours rather than transaction data organisations can convert risk management into propositional design.

About Tony

Tony is a highly experienced business leader with over 20 years’ experience in financial services. Tony started his career as a cashier in 1996 and he has since worked at a senior level across all product lines and within all consumer channels for some of the UK’s most distinguished financial services brands.

His industry expertise incorporates retail, investment, retirement, mainstream mortgage and equity release markets as well as advised and non-advised distribution within the consumer, intermediary and business to business segments.

Tony is now leading the Customer Experience team at the Bank of Ireland UK which involves oversight of the teams within product and proposition, partnership, data and analytics, marketing, PR and customer outcomes. Immediately prior to joining the Bank of Ireland Tony led the work on the day 2 Mortgage and Investment proposition for Williams & Glyn (RBS) and acted in a Non-Executive capacity in the launch of two FinTech start-up’s (both social-enterprises)

Torben Wiese

Habitmanager – speaker, author and management advisor

Habits eat strategies for breakfast

This powerfull keynote is based on Torben Wiese’s bestsellerbook “Break your habits and reach your goals” and will help you to reach both your 3 types of business goals as well as your personal and inner goals.
Changes are coming faster than ever and the way you as a company, organization, leader, employee or private person deals with changes is most likely to be your competitive factor nr. 1! Therefor we are told to be ready to change. However nobody never got to be number one by being ready to change, but more by creating change and making every person in the organisation “Head of changes”. But in the face of the changes are our habits which everyday eat strategies, new ideas and opportunities for breakfast.
Be inspired to work with changes and habits as a strategic powertool, how to make more ideas to grow and to be executed everywhere in your organization and learn the 7 secrets of how to avoid the paranoid organization.
We invite you to a provocative, funny, motivational and initiating key note.

About Torben

Torben Wiese is a very powerful speaker on the importance of change, breaking habits, being present and how to reach your goals and why it’s difficult – and how you do it both as a indivudial, as a teams and in the whole organisations.
He’s two bestselling books “Break Your Habits and Reach your Goals” and “Bend the fish while it is fresh” shows why it’s not longer enough to be ready to change – to day everybody also has to create the change.
Torben has more than 30 years experience on change, sales, leadership and management and has during work- shops, educations and power speaks reached and motivated more than 300.000 people.
In Denmark Torben was elected the second most motivating speaker and his style is energetic, provocative, funny and activating.
“If we all just had that enthusiasm…. 6 out of 5. Brilliant!” Bestseller
“You can feel (and hear) his presence from far away” Volaris
“Spot on and highly recommend” Danfoss

Moira Clark

Professor, Henley business school

Making it easy to be a customer

Moira Clark’s expertise focuses on customer experience and customer management and what you need to do to achieve superior competitive advantage. This session will include insights from her latest research, where she has delved into the best practice of service excellence companies that consistently deliver first-class customer experience. In particular she will look at how customer behaviour is changing in the 21st Century and what makes a ‘perfect’ customer experience. She will examine effortless engagement and consider ways in which you can make it ‘easy’ to be a customer.

About Moira

Moira Clark is Professor of Strategic Marketing at Henley Business School and Founder and Director of The Henley Centre for Customer Management. This research centre develops joint research initiatives between Henley and a consortium of organisations who want to further their knowledge and understanding of leading-edge best practice in customer management.

Moira’s major area of research is in Customer Management, Relationship Marketing and the drivers of Customer Retention and Service Excellence.

Pierre Jannez

Lean Coach

The magic of pull flow in IT

Through a concrete story, within the banking sector, I will explain :
– how a team leader and his 7 teammates have removed all incidents of a critical application in 6 months,
– how they multiplied per 3 their productivity using the two pillars of the Toyota Production System to deliver corrections faster, with the best level of quality ever,
– and eventually how they progressively moved from a reparation work to a value added work.

About Pierre

I am an expert in Lean Management with specialties in improving performance within IT departments. I am passionate in helping and engaging management and teams better serve their customers by delivering the highest level of quality just in time at the lowest cost for the company. I am convinced that improving performance is by acting directly on the ground with operational staff helping to implement the business strategy which means: – Nurturing constantly a top down and a bottom up approach to align work on the business strategy, – Developing motivation and engagement for everyone to achieve his own job to implement this strategy and delight its customer. – Developing intense collaboration among and across teams to improve quality and reduce lead time through rigorous problems solving. I have a strong background in software development and Agile practices including extreme programing, software craftsmanship and devops. I started my learning journey in 2001 at Nokia when I introduced the Agile way of working in my team. Together we built amazing products and developed great tools to enable continuous integration and continuous delivery with tremendous results in terms of quality and speed. But it was not enough to sustain the growth in this emerging Telecom market. So, in 2008 I turned myself toward a new way of working: lean and the Toyota Production System. Today I am working with my customers on combining agile with lean to develop exceptional people to build better products faster.

Kristinn Guðjónsson

Security engineer hjá Google

Google leiðin

Í þessum fyrirlestri ætla ég að fara yfir hvernig kúlturinn er uppbyggður hjá Google, og hvernig ég hef upplifað hann á þeim árum sem ég hef starfað hjá fyrirtækinu. Ég ætla að ræða hvernig fyrirtækið byggir upp umhverfi sem ýtir undir nýsköpun, hvernig við vinnum að stefnumótun, frammistöðumati og hvernig áherslur eru hjá stjórnendum innan fyrirtækisins. Hvernig án góðra starfsmanna væri fyrirtækið ekki á þeim stað þar sem það er núna og því lykilhlutverki sem stjórnendur gegna til að viðhalda þessu umhverfi og auðvelda líf starfsmanna sinna.

Um Kristinn

Kristinn vinnur í öryggismálum hjá Google, þar sem hann hefur verið undanfarin sjö ár. Kristinn byrjaði hjá Google árið 2011 sem hluti af innbrotaviðbragsteyminu þeirra, þar sem hann sá um viðbrögð og rannsóknir á innbrotum inn í tölvukerfi Google. Hann færði sig fljótlega yfir í stjórnendastöðu þar sem hann stýrði bæði innbrotaviðbragðateyminu ásamt öðrum teymum innan “detection and response”  innan Bandaríkjanna. Sem stjórnandi þá fókusaði hann á að rækta starfsmenn sína í starfi, og finna nýtt fólk til að stækka og viðhalda teyminu ásamt áætlunargerð, stefnumótun og öðrum stjórnendahlutverkum. Núna er Kristinn kominn aftur til Íslands, í fjarvinnu við rannsaka og bregðast við tölvuinnbrotum og öðrum tölvuglæpum. Fyrir Google starfaði Kristinn sem öryggisráðgjafi hjá Skyggni, síðar meir Nýherja og hjá Arion Banka. Kristinn er með M.Sc gráðu frá Institut National des Telecommunications (INT, núna Telecom & Management) í París og B.Sc gráðu úr rafmagns- og tölvuverkfræði frá Háskóla Íslands.

Alessandro Piccolo

Italian designers go for standards!

It is not possible to give a time to creativity, right? Creativity is the eternal justification to disorganization and loose of process control, leading to inefficient use of skilled resources and dramatic profit thinning.
Why is it like this? Creative jobs are required for developing customized projects and create innovative products. Can we do something to give a discipline to the most important functions in our companies? Why cannot we organize it as a production line?
In our session, we are going to explore the case of an Italian interior design firm that is undergoing a major transformation in the interior design function.
We will introduce their starting point and share the mistakes they have done. Then we will see what improvement they are bringing to processes, as well the key roles required for the new organization.

About Alessandro

Graduated in International Management at Bocconi University, Milan, and Fudan University, Shanghai, currently is managing the performance improvement turnaround of an architecture and design firm in Italy.

He completed several performance improvement projects during his studies, starting in a mannequin factory in China and then in the McDonald’s kitchens.

Soon after his graduation, he started working with a consulting company, supporting banks and multi-utility companies.

From 2016 he is part of the Istituto lean Management, supporting several companies in their performance improvement journey, mainly in the Office and Product Development areas.

Guðmundur Magnason

Forstjóri Wedo

Árangur umbóta hjá Wedo

Guðmundur mun fjalla um Lean vegferð Wedo sem þau lögðu upp í fyrir rúmu ári síðan með það að markmiði að auka skilvirkni fyrirtækisins. Breytingarnar á fyrirtækinu hafa verið mjög miklar og hefur umbótavinnan sparað ótal vinnustundir. Hann mun segja okkur frá sigrunum á leiðinni sem og orrustunum sem enn eru háðar.

Um Guðmund

Guðmundur er framkvæmdastjóri og einn eiganda Wedo ehf. sem m.a. rekur Heimkaup.is., Bland og Hópkaup. Áður starfaði hann sem framkvæmdastjóri hjá Latabæ, veitti Leikhúsmógúlnum sem m.a. rekur sýningar Hellisbúans um allan heim forstöðu og rak verslanir BT, Skífunnar, Office One og Sony Center undir einum hatti til ársins 2005.

Um Wedo

Wedo rekur þrjú af þekktustu íslensku vefsvæðunum, Heimkaup.is, Bland og Hópkaup og starfa þar 23 starfsmenn í fullu starfi.

Þuríður Björg Guðnadóttir

Yfirmaður einstaklingssviðs hjá Nova

Hvað má læra af stjórnendum bestu þjónustufyrirtækjanna?

Flest ef ekki öll fyrirtæki vilja að viðskiptavinir þeirra upplifi góða þjónustu. Það eru ýmis verkfæri sem hægt er að nota en það verður ekki hjá því komist að hafa hæfa og góða stjórnendur.
Í erindinu mun Þuríður fjalla um hvað einkennir fyrirtæki og stjórnunarhætti hjá bestu þjónustufyrirtækjunum.

Um Þuríði

Þuríður Björg Guðnadóttir stýrir sölu & þjónustu til einstaklinga hjá Nova en fyrirtækið hefur átt ánægðustu viðskiptavinina á farsímamarkaði 10 ár í röð. Þuríður er með B.Sc gráðu í rekstrarverkfræði frá Háskólanum í Reykjavík. Hún hefur einnig lokið námi í stjórnendamarkþjálfun frá sama skóla.

Helen Bevan

Chief Transformation Officer

How to take the power to influence and transform

We are seeking to make improvement happen in a world that is increasingly dynamic, fast moving and with so many complex dilemmas that there is often no “right” answer. In this lively and interactive talk, Helen Bevan will help us explore some of the latest ideas, tools and approaches from leading practitioners of large scale change around the globe. You will get the chance to reflect on the practical implications and opportunities for your work in a world where the balance between “old power” (positional power and authority) and “new power” (networks and social movements) is shifting. We will also consider how to build our individual and collective power to create change and deliver results in this new world.

About Helen

Helen has been supporting quality improvement within the health and care system for nearly 30 years. She has led and facilitated many nationwide initiatives to improve care, including in cancer services, urgent and emergency care, services for people living with dementia and care in the community. Helen has demonstrated a constancy of purpose and resilience to stay within the system over the years that is rare in internal change agents. She has managed to keep learning, growing and delivering change. Over time, her focus has shifted from managing big programmes of change to approaches that mobilise and build energy and commitment to change on a very large scale. Helen has an ability to connect directly with thousands of frontline staff and patient leaders. She is the number one social influencer in the NHS, and one of the top influencers globally, reaching more than a million people each month through her social media connections, virtual presentations, commentaries and blogs.

Mikael Boija

VP Production BU Power Products

From the garage to manufacturing

This presentation will give you an insight of how Mikael and his team succeeded with a lean transformation of Permobil Production from a situation where customers were furious, performance low and the future for the operations not so promising. During the first 10 years of Permobil production, everything was based on low cost and bringing in friends friends to pitch in to meet the ever-growing demand for Permobils Products. This worked very well for the first couple of years but in 2010 something needed to happen. This presentation will share examples of common pains of many growing companies and how Mikael and his team has dealt with them through Lean Leadership.

About Mikael

Mikael is VP of Production at Permobil in Sweden, a lean neard and passionate to create great companies through people involvement and lean thinking. Since 2013 he has been responsible for, and working on transforming Permobil Productions business, going from pure passion and chaos to an industry leading set up for assembly of Power Wheelchairs. The journey has been remarkable and in 2017, Permobil Production was awarded the Swedish Lean Award. “I think many small to mid-size companies can find inspiration in the journey we have done”, says Mikael and continues. “Many manufacturing companies who start small and reaches success, eventually hits a point where the garage-model cracks and you have reached the limits of what is possible to achieve with only passion and entrepreneurship. Something else is needed and I will talk about how we dealt with the fact that our garage model had reached its limits. Going from chaos to a reliable business partner that enables profitable growth.”

About Permobil

Permobil founder Dr Per Uddén believed that helping people achieve the greatest level of independence is a basic human right and, for over 50 years, Permobil has held fast to that belief. Permobil is a global leader in advanced medical technology, passionate about better understanding our users’ needs and improving their quality of life through state-of-the-art healthcare solutions. With an annual growth of 20 percent the past five years, Permobil offers solutions include power wheelchairs, seating and positioning products, power assist, and manual wheelchairs.

Gerður Huld Arinbjarnardóttir

Stofnandi Blush

Máttur markmiða

Gerður Arinbjarnar fer yfir það hvernig hún náði hröðum árangri i rekstri með því að setja sér markvisst markmið, tækni sem kennd er um allan heim og auðvelt er að tileinka sér og aðlaða að sínum eigin rekstri eða lífi, tilgangur fyrirlestursins er að sýna stjórnendum hversu mikilvægt það er að setja sér markmið á skilvirkan hátt til að ná bæði árangri i starfi en líka í persónulega lífinu sínu.

Um Gerði

Gerður er 29 ára, hun stofnaði Blush árið 2011 aðeins 21 árs gömul.

Um Blush

Blush er kynlífstækja verslun sem var stofnuð árið 2011, af Gerði Huld Arinbjarnardóttur og Rakel Ósk Orradóttur.
Hugmyndin á bak við Blush var að skapa örugt umhverfi fyrir konur til að versla sér unaðsvörur, að minka það taboo sem hafði verið áberandi i þessum geira hérlendis.

Hildur Gylfadóttir

Ferlastjórnandi hjá Össuri

Hvernig styðja ferlar við ferðalag viðskiptavinarins?

Í dag er upplifun viðskiptavina af vöru eða þjónustu ekki bara mælikvarði á tryggð þeirra heldur getur góð þjónusta skapað samkeppnisforskot. Með þessari auknu áherslu er mikilvægt að skilgreina, skilja og besta upplifun viðskiptavinarins. Til þess að hægt sé að veita framúrskarandi þjónustu verða innviðir fyrirtækja að styðja við þessa vegferð. Fyrirlesturinn fjallar um raundæmi frá Össuri þar sem ferlar voru nýttir til að styðja við ákveðna þjónustu sem gerir notanda kleift að prófa vöru áður en hann ákveður hvort hún henti honum. Í dæminu er m.a. farið yfir þá áskorun að finna jafnvægi á milli bestu vegferðar viðskiptavinarins og innri ferla.

Um Hildi

Hildur er ferlastjórnandi hjá Össuri og vinnur þar við greiningar á alþjóðlegum verkferlum þvert á deildir fyrirtækisins með bestun þeirra að leiðarljósi. Hún hefur lagt áherslu á ferli sem tengjast viðskiptavininum frá upphafi til enda. Hún er vélaverkfræðingur að mennt og starfaði áður sem deildarstjóri innkaupadeildar hjá Össuri og hjá Novo Nordisk, dönsku lyfjafyrirtæki, m.a. við greiningar, stefnumótun og umbótaverkefni.

Andrew Bryan

Executive Fellow and the Programme Director at Henley Business School

Are you really customer focussed? It starts with your leaders…

  • People are the biggest challenge
  • The importance of strategic alignment
  • Belief in values and behaviours

Andrew Bryan has been on the trail of discovering how to build a customer-centric organisation and achieve superior competitive advantage. This session will include insights from the latest research from the Henley Centre for Customer Management, where they have delved into the best practice of service excellence companies that consistently deliver first-class customer experience.

He will consider the role of leadership and specifically the role of the board and the executive team in building a customer-centric organization. He will look at the importance of strategic alignment in the organization. He will examine the concept of belief in values and behaviours and ask you to consider whether your organization is clear about what behaviours you expect from colleagues. He will give you practical advice on how you can improve customer-centricity in your organisation by focusing on specific areas that have been identified in his research.

About Andrew

Andrew Bryan is an Executive Fellow and the Programme Director at Henley Business School. He contributes by delivering, facilitating and mentoring on many programmes covering strategy, technology disruption, digital transformation and is also Programme Director for the MSc and Post Graduate Certificate in Strategic Marketing Leadership. He has had a successful international career as a corporate executive, management consultant and business researcher. He is an experienced digital technology and strategy Director who has had senior roles with a range of blue chip companies. He also acts as a consultant to companies on customer management issues, customer centric digital transformation and digital commerce in both B2C and B2B companies.

Andrew has an MBA from Henley Business School and has worked with the Henley Centre for Customer Management for a number of years where he undertakes research into customer experience topics on behalf of the members. He has completed a number of reports and papers on behalf of companies exploring customer management topics.

Sveinbjörn Jónsson


Um Sveinbjörn

Sveinbjörn Jónsson lauk M.Sc. prófi í byggingarverkfræði frá HÍ og MPM-gráðu frá HR. Sveinbjörn starfar sem samræmingarstjóri fjárfestingaverkefna við Keflavíkurflugvöll og hefur sinnt kennslu í verkefnastjórnun í nokkur ár.

Sylvía Kristín Ólafsdóttir


Um Sylvíu

Sylvía er með M.Sc. próf í Operational Research frá London School of Economics og B.Sc. próf í iðnaðarverkfræði frá Háskóla Íslands. Hún hefur sinnt stundakennslu við verkfræðideild HÍ í rekstrarfræði, kvikum kerfislíkönum og verkefnastjórnun (MPM).  Hún situr í stjórn Ölgerðarinnar og  Símans og er í starfshópi um Hvítbók um framtíðarsýn fyrir fjármálakerfið. Nú starfsar Sylvía sem forstöðumaður Icelandair.

Þórdís V. Þórhallsdóttir


Um Þórdísi

Er viðskiptafræðingur með kennsluréttindi og MPM-gráðu.
Starfar sem verkefnalóðs hjá Landsvirkjun, heldur utan um ferla, kostnaðarstýringu, verkefnaskrá, gæðamál og er sérfræðingur í verkefnastjórnun í minni deild.
Hefur haft áhuga á lean í nokkur ár, skrifaði lokaverkefnið sitt um málefnið í MPM náminu, fór með það verkefni á verkefnastjórnunarráðstefnu í Panama og hélt fyrirlestur í Toronto. Reynir að leana allt í kringum sig, bæði í vinnu og einkalífi.