Niamh McElwain
Founder | Facilitator | Executive coach
The Hybrid Way
Reset Your Leadership
Change can be exciting and visionary – but it can also be relentless and exhausting for the leaders who drive it. If we think about organizational change only as a rational process, we miss a critical piece – the emotional side of change.
About Niamh
Niamh brings more than 20 years of international experience in the field of education and learning & development. She spent 16 years at Google, working in Learning & Development based in Ireland, Poland and the US. Currently, she is co-founder of The Hybrid Way (www.thehybridway.com), enabling leaders and teams to thrive in hybrid work structures.
In her time at Google, Niamh designed many acclaimed development programs including Stretch, a women’s leadership program, which over 8,000 women globally have attended to date. She is the original creator of #iamremarkable, now a global initiative that celebrates and empowers under-represented groups. Niamh was also one of the early founders of g2g, a peer-to-peer learning program, which currently powers 80% of learning programs globally at Google, with an extended faculty of over 10,000 employees who teach, share and learn from each other. (Articles here I here and here)
Niamh is an accredited executive coach, who challenges managers and leaders to create inclusive team cultures. She specializes in topics such as leadership, impostor syndrome, wellbeing & career development.
As a learning designer and facilitator, Niamh uses her background in music & theatre, to infuse playfulness, improv, and dynamism into her facilitation style, which energizes participants and ensures engagement!
Background: Niamh graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a Bachelor in Music Education, and earned her MBA from Reims Management School, France. She worked in the Middle East and the Caribbean as an orchestral director before entering the corporate world. In her spare time, Niamh loves hiking, listening to podcasts and being outdoors with her husband and young daughter.

Björn Zoëga
Karolinska háskólasjúkrahúsið í Stokkhólmi
Heimsins besta sjúkrahús
Í þessum fyrirlestri verður farið yfir hvernig Karolinska er að breyta menningunni innan sjúkrahússins og færa ákvörðunarvaldið nær framlínunni. Einnig verður farið yfir þeirra umbótarvegferð og hvernig þau meta árangur.
Um Björn
Björn Zoëga er formaður nýrrar stjórnar Landspítalans og forstjóri Karolinska háskólasjúkrahússins í Stokkhólmi. Hann hefur víðtæka þekkingu og reynslu af rekstri heilbrigðisstofnana bæði innanlands og á alþjóðavettvangi.

Christopher T S Harvey
Head of Change for Finance Transformation
Building Agility at Scale
Things to think about when considering building a change capability in your organisation.
- Permanent staff versus interim/consulting resource?
- What teams/roles/skills do you need?
- Who needs to be involved from the business?
- What methodologies and toolkits/governance/processes do you need?
About Christopher
Christopher T S Harvey has been working in the projects and change environment for the past 16 years. Working across the energy, professional services and retail industries in a variety of globally diverse roles. Christopher also ran his own change management consultancy for a few years, building a coaching practise and personal brand around the impacts of change and wellbeing in the workplace. This led to being published multiple times in GQ magazine as a columnist, various interviews with the BBC and an appearance at the House of Commons for a round table discussion on ‘the future of work’ in the UK. Christopher is currently operating as the Head of Change for Finance Transformation at Tesco plc, the UK’s biggest grocery retailer and the largest private employer in the country. Outside of work Chris is a huge Tottenham Hotspur fan.

Sólrún Kristjánsdóttir
Ekki benda á mig: Virkjum fólk
Sólrún mun fjalla um mikilvægi þess að vera með skýra sýn og að valdefla fólk til að taka ábyrgð og frumkvæði í sínum störfum. Enn fremur um mikilvægi þess að byggja upp menningu þar sem Veitur erum með vaxtarhugarfar og lausnamiðuð en ekki að bíða eftir að hlutirnir breytist til að við getum breytt okkur eða verkefnum okkar.
Um Sólrúnu
Sólrún Kristjánsdóttir er framkvæmdastýra Veitna ohf sem er stærsta veitufyrirtæki landsins og er hluti af samstæðu Orkuveitu Reykjavíkur. Sólrún hefur farsæla reynslu af rekstri og uppbyggingu árangursdrifinnar vinnustaðarmenningar þar sem áhersla er á að leiða með skýrri sýn, veita umboð og kalla eftir árangri. Sólrún lauk BA prófi í uppeldis- og menntunarfræði frá Háskóla Íslands 1998 og meistaraprófi í stjórnun og stefnumótun frá sama skóla árið 2004. Hún hóf störf hjá Starfsmannamálum OR árið 2004, hafði umsjón með starfsþróunarmálum frá árinu 2006 og starfsmannastjóri frá árinu 2012. Áður starfaði Sólrún við kennslu og sem ráðgjafi á Stuðlum, meðferðarheimili ríkisins fyrir unglinga. Sólrún gengdi áður stöðu framkvæmdastýru mannauðs og menningar.

Hanne Dinkel
Chief Customer Delivery Officer
Spread Group
Change Management Appetizers: How Companies Can Train and Coach Leadership
Hanne will be talking about a training initiative that they recently started regarding education of leaders towards change management.
About Hanne
Hanne Dinkel has been Chief Customer Delivery Officer and part of the senior management board at Spread Group since 2018. She not only manages the five production sites in Europe and North America, but is also responsible for the strategic management of Operations, Factories, Assortment, Purchasing and Customer Service. Her focus is on organizational development, further development of production processes and the networking of her international teams. As an executive coach, Hanne Dinkel also advises organizations and individuals on a freelance basis and supports them in times of transition and guides them through processes surrounding changes in their business.
Before joining Spread Group, Dinkel worked for 18 years in the automotive and wind energy industries. In addition to an MBA, she holds an M.A. in “Systemic Consulting and Arts-Based Coaching.” Her multifaceted background has enabled Hanne Dinkel to propel organizations forward with an artistic eye, courage and creativity. Her greatest successes were significant increases in quality and efficiency as Head of Final Assembly at Ford and as Plant Manager at Vestas. As Head of Logistics, Production Control and Controlling at BMW, her consistent strategy implementation was instrumental in the BMW plant in Leipzig winning the “Best Factory 2013” industry award.
Areas of Expertise:
- Production control
- Organizational development
- Change management
- Human Resources development

Gwen Turner
Head of HR Strategic Planning and Process Improvement
Trinity College Dublin
Getting Employees Onboard with Change
Change is hard. If it was easy, it would have been done already. The kind of change projects we work on these days are usually complex and often involve asking people to do things they might prefer not to do. Implementing new ways of working, new systems or new processes is a tough job, and the people you use on your change project teams need a lot of support and resilience. How can we assign people to roles or tasks in a way that lets them play to their strengths, develop their skills along the way, and ultimately get the job done?
This session will talk through how we can achieve change in a way where people finish the working week with a sense of achievement not a sense of frustration.
About Gwen
Gwen Turner is the Head of HR Strategic Planning and Process Improvement in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland’s leading university.
Gwen is an experienced HR professional with 25 years’ experience in people management.
With qualifications in maths, sociology, human resource management, and data analytics, Gwen’s skillset blends data analysis, workforce planning and talent metrics with broad HR management expertise.
Gwen has worked at senior level in HR-process improvement initiatives in large organisations in the commercial and higher education sectors. Gwen has experience of developing, implementing and monitoring organisational change initiatives. In addition to a love of statistics and data, Gwen’s interests include team development, coaching and mentoring.

Billy Ray Taylor
Chief Executive Officer
How to Win!
About Billy
Billy Taylor is an American business executive, dynamic speaker and leadership guru. He is the Founder and President of LinkedXL (Excellence), a Business Operating Systems Architecting Firm.
Billy spent 30 years with The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (GT), serving as Director of North America Operations and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer. During his tenure at Goodyear, the company’s earnings rose from a loss of 38M to +17.5B. As the Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion for Goodyear, Billy formulated and led the diversity and inclusion strategies for 64,000 employees across the 22 countries where Goodyear operates.
After retiring from Goodyear, Billy founded LinkedXL, a consultancy that specializes in helping companies architect their Business Operating Systems, and serves as its CEO.
Billy is a dynamic speaker and leadership guru who is routinely called upon by universities, international conferences, global publications, and the U.S. Armed Forces to demonstrate how to drive and sustain effective results through creating a culture of leadership and enabling employee ownership.
He is a disciple of continuous improvement and operational excellence. And as a trusted global industry leader, Taylor is a member of the executive advisory board for the Shingo Institute, Utah State University Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, and The Executive Board for the Association of Manufacturing Excellence (AME). He is also an independent Board Member of M-D Products.

Björgvin Víkingsson
Um Björgvin
Björgvin Víkingsson starfar sem forstjóri Ríkiskaupa og hefur sinnt því hlutverki síðustu 2.5 árin í miklum umbótaham. Ríkiskaup hafa tekið miklum breytingum er varðar stefnu, menningu, ferla og þekkingu en margar af þeim breytingum koma frá hugmyndafræði lean þar sem mikil áhersla er lögð á traust, frelsi og stöðugar umbætur.
Björgvin er mikill áhugamaður og aðdáandi að lean hugmyndafræðinni og skín það í gegnum áherslur á hans ferli.