Lois Kelly
Founder and managing partner
Be a Rebel at Work: Easy Ways to Influence Change & Solve Problems
Do you want to be a more positive force at work (and in your life)? Do you want easier ways to solve problems, innovate, and convince others to join you?
Lois Kelly, the co-author of Rebels at Work, has some helpful and surprising advice for you. She’ll teach you simple and powerful ways to increase your influence, persuade others to try new things, create a more flexible work culture, and reduce tension and worry. Her promise: you’ll walk away with at least two great ideas that you can use right away and see positive results.
About Lois
Lois Kelly is the co-founder of Rebels at Work; a global community of people seeking to improve their organizations and find more meaning from their work. She is the co-author of the best-selling book Rebels at Work: A Handbook for Leading Change from Within. Lois has been helping leaders and teams introduce new ideas and communicate more effectively for over 25 years, working with clients such as FedEx, SAP, and HP, as well as start-ups, universities, and healthcare organizations. She is passionate about helping people find their voice and use it for good. More information about Lois can be found at www.rebelsatwork.com, www.foghound.com, and Lois Kelly | LinkedIn.
Tryggvi Freyr Elínarson
Þróunarstjóri og sérfræðingur tæknilausna
Mun ný tegund gervigreindar gjörbylta starfsemi og stjórnunarháttum fyrirtækja?
Á meðan almenningur er upptekinn í spjalli við ChatGPT og Dall-E fikti, er þróun að eiga sér stað á bakvið tjöldin sem mun gjörbreyta daglegum rekstri fyrirtækja og kúvenda hegðun neytenda. Frá heilbrigðisþjónustu til fjármála, frá landbúnaði til fataverslana, þá er spurningin ekki lengur hvort gervigreind muni hafa áhrif á þig og þitt fyrirtæki, heldur hvenær og hvernig – og hvort þið séu tilbúin.
Í þessu erindi þá mun Tryggvi Freyr Elínarson, þróunarstjóri og sérfræðingur tæknilausna hjá Datera, skoða hvaða áhrif ný kynslóð gervigreindar mun hafa á lykilþætti í daglegum rekstri og hvaða áskoranir blasa við stjórnendum fyrirtækja.
Um Tryggva
Jorge Ferreira
Site Manager
IKEA Industries
Boosting Autonomy in Shopfloor Teams: Our Example, Our Journey
IKEA Industry Group is the world’s largest producer of wooden furniture. At IKEA Industry Portugal, me and 1500 colleagues do our best every day to contribute to a unique and affordable IKEA offer. We are on a development journey where expressions and concepts such as autonomy, diagnosis, expansion, pre-defined scope, team in the lead, capabilities, individual engagement, talent, inputs instead of outputs, leader standard work, etc. are part of the everyday choreography at our shopfloor. I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you at Lean Ísland 2024! See you there!
About Jorge
Jorge Ferreira is, since 2007, Site Manager at IKEA Industry Portugal. Since 2015 he also embraced several international projects, that involved the coordination of other IKEA Industry units in Sweden, Slovakia, Russia and China. He has more than twenty-five years’ experience in international industry companies, namely in the automotive sector. Jorge has worked in areas as diverse as Human Resources management, Industrial Engineering, project management and Production Units management. In 2007 he took up the challenge of establishing IKEA’s industrial group in Portugal. His daily mission is to lead people and teams in a journey that prioritizes the needs of people together with the needs of the business, through continuous improvement of performance & delivery and at the same time stimulating learning & development in such diverse backgrounds as Portuguese, Swedish, Russian or Chinese contexts.
Torben Wiese
Founder, facilitator, author and power speaker
Habits, Connections and Job Satisfaction in the Hybrid Workplace
In our modern working lives, we’ve embraced flexible and hybrid work and the myriad new opportunities it brings. But we also know that this shift can challenge our ability to maintain cohesion, well-being, and a sense of belonging in the workplace – and at home.
Torben Wiese will help us understand and manage the social dynamics that affect our job satisfaction, collaboration and quality of life, especially as we work together in a hybrid workplace. Torben will show us how to create a healthy work-life balance – and how to act working in a hybrid mode.
The presentation will provide a shared and nuanced view of the pros and cons of the hybrid work life and leadership and equip us with tools to build cohesion and job satisfaction, whether we work from home or in the office.
About Torben
Torben Wiese is one of Denmark’s most popular motivational speakers with more than 1000 presentations and the author of several bestselling books. You can read more about Torben here http://www.habitmanager.dk.
Manuela von zur Mühlen
Global director B2B partnerships
My Major Fails as a Manager (and Beyond)
Some mistakes must be made by yourself. That’s for sure true, but at the same time quite a
bunch of mistakes can be adapted from other contexts, or someone else’s failures. Manuela
shares her major fails because they guided her, gave her a lesson in humbleness or made her
grow. These sometimes painful, sometimes funny, and mostly unforeseen experiences she
made during her career led to unexpected solutions or new paths.
About Manuela
Manuela studied Theater Studies and Anglistics in Leipzig and Glasgow. Starting as location-,
studio- and production manager for film and television productions she moved into Business
Development roles in fast-moving, international environments. Breaking new grounds by
proof of concepts within the e-commerce industry and a strong focus on B2B SaaS solutions
she creates and nurtures synergies between international cross-functional teams to drive
excellence and business impact.
Being a professional equestrian trainer as well as a manager with 15+ experience in complex
international e-commerce business, she accompanies & empowers her teams to excel
themselves. 2019 she created the Business Development and Innovation Department within
Spread Group, realizing highly successful business partnerships with companies like YouTube,
Volkswagen or the European Space Agency. Being on the forefront of R&D for sustainable
products, she investigates future solutions such as breathable ink able to lock CO2.
Today, Manuela is building the global corporate business of Spread Group as commercial
Director B2B Partnerships and continues her focus on sustainable solutions. She lives with
her husband, their two daughters and two cats in her domicile of choice, Leipzig, Germany.
Gary Peterson
Executive Vice President, Supply Chain & Production
O.C. Tanner Company
Leadership in the 21st century
Traditional command and control leadership reinforces siloed thinking, and discourages teams from thinking systemically and collaborating on continuous improvement. Businesses thrive when work is organized horizontally and teams are managed for collaboration, innovation and development. Join leadership expert Gary Peterson to hear why the old leadership styles are being replaced by the principles of “Modern Leadership.”
About Gary
“There’s nothing I love more than being on the factory floor, building connections and relationships with the people who make our manufacturing possible. Putting people first is core to how we do things at O.C. Tanner.”
As our Executive Vice President of Supply Chain & Production, Gary specializes in creating cultures of continuous improvement through manufacturing and leadership excellence. He leads our manufacturing, buying, engineering, refining, and logistics teams. Gary has been at O.C. Tanner for over 35 years and has helped transform the company’s manufacturing operations from “batch” to lean while pioneering team-based procedures that allow each unit to take full ownership of their results. His greatest joy on the job comes from interacting with and inspiring people—empowering them to do their best work.
Gary enjoys traveling across the globe to assist organizations in generating newfound outcomes for their people and their machines. A member of the Shingo Academy and the AME Hall of Fame, he also currently serves on the Executive Advisory Board for the Shingo Institute and is a Shingo Examiner. He holds an MBA from Brigham Young University and enjoys basketball, snowboarding, and spending time with his family.
Ernst van Dyk
Managing Director
Össur South Africa
Resilience: My story
Ernst van Dyk is a record 10-time champion of the Boston Marathon wheelchair race and a two-time Paralympic gold medalist.
When life throws you lemons, make lemonade: a philosophy in which this golden boy has revelled. Despite being handed lemons in the form of sever physical setbacks, Ernst van Dyk has defied all odds to excel as a world-class athlete, businessman, husband, father and role model. Ernst is passionate about sharing his story, encouraging and motivating others to make the best out of their lives.
About Ernst
Ernst was born with congenital absence of both legs. His parents, two provincial-level athletes, recognised his athletic abilities and encouraged him to participate in sports. At first, he went to school in Graaff-Reinet, then switched to the Elizabeth Conradie school for disabled children in Kimberley where his sporting talents flourished. He represented South Africa in the 1992 Barcelona Paralympics in swimming and wheelchair events, his track appearance turning out to be pivotal in his career. The cheers of the crowd as he circled the track inspired him so much that it persuaded him to concentrate on wheelchair racing in the future.
At the 2000 Paralympic Games in Sydney, Ernst won a bronze medal in the 400 metres. In Athens in 2004, he won two silver medals in the 800 metres and the 1,500 metres, and a bronze in the 5,000 metres. At the Beijing Paralympics in 2008, he won gold in the hand-cycling road race as well as bronze in the wheelchair marathon. In 2014, Ernst won his tenth Boston Marathon – a record number of titles across all divisions at the world’s oldest, most prestigious marathon. In 2016 at the Rio Paralympics Ernst took gold in the handcycle road race.
Ernst has worked strenuously to increase community involvement in wheelchair racing and hand-cycling. He organised an international event in Paarl, near Cape Town, in March 2005 and ensured that handcycling became an official category in the famous Argus Cycle Tour around the Cape Peninsula, and was also fully integrated into all fun rides around the Western Cape province of South Africa.
Despite his wonderful career in sport, he says his biggest personal accomplishment was earning his degree, making him the first ever disabled person to graduate for a degree in Sport Science from Stellenbosch University.
On April 20, 2010 the South African government awarded Ernst the Order of Ikhamanga in silver to mark his achievements. He was also the winner of the Laureus World Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability Award in 2006.
Currently Ernst is the managing director at Össur South Africa, a global manufacturer of non-invasive orthopedics where he has been working for close to 10 years.
Sport Career Highlights:
- Represented South Africa at 8 Paralympics games (1992 – 2021)
- 2016 Gold medal Rio Paralympics – Cycling Road Race
- 2015 New York Marathon Champion
- SA Sportsman of the year 2014 – Dept of Sport and Rec South Africa
- 2007, 2011, 2014 UCI World Champion – Handcycling Road race.
- 10 times Boston Marathon Champion (2001 – 2014)
- Recipient of The Order of Ikhamanga in Silver from the President – 2010
- Won Gold (Handcycling) and Bronze(marathon) at the 2008 Beijing Paralympics
- Won Silver at the London 2012 Paralympics for Handcycling Road Race
- 2006 Laureus Sport Awards: Sport Star with a Disability
- Won two silver and one bronze medal at the 2004 Athens Paralympic Games
- Recipient of the 2003 & 2004 Presidential Silver award for sport.
- Recipient of the 2002 Presidential Golden award for sport
- Won a bronze medal at the Sydney Paralympic Games 2000
Björgvin Víkingsson
Um Björgvin
Björgvin Víkingsson starfar sem Innkaupa- og aðstoðarframkvæmdastjóri Bónus og var áður framkvæmdastjóri Ríkiskaupa.
Björgvin er mikill áhugamaður og aðdáandi að lean hugmyndafræðinni og skín það í gegnum áherslur á hans ferli.